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7 Day Extended Forecast
Day Forecast last updated : Tuesday 03, 15:44    Temp Wind Speed (km/h)  Humidity  UV Index 24hr Rain Prob Of Rain
Wed Sunny Sunny. warm.   32 | 21°C  20-NE   35%   moderate   *   0% 
Thu Sunny Sunny. mild.   27 | 18°C  4-S   69%   moderate   *   10% 
Fri Afternoon Clouds showers late. Afternoon Clouds. cool.   20 | 17°C  20-SSW   80%   low   3.7mm   26% 
Sat More Sun than clouds a few showers. More Sun than clouds. cool.   17 | 15°C  18-SSW   81%   moderate   6.7mm   20% 
Sun More Clouds Than sun showers late. More Clouds Than sun. cool.   20 | 16°C  12-S   82%   low   2.4mm   26% 
Mon Mostly Cloudy passing showers. Mostly Cloudy. cool.   16 | 13°C  10-S   80%   minimal   13.6mm   55% 
Tue Mostly Cloudy scattered showers. Mostly Cloudy. nippy.   15 | 12°C  11-SW   81%   minimal   5.5mm   44% 
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Extended Marine Forecast for Durban
day Surf Conditions Wave Height. Mean Wave Direction/Period. Wind Wave Direction/Period Sea Surface Temp
Tue Light chop. Shoulder-high waves. Medium waves 1.7 meters ESE/12.25 ENE/4.50 24°
Wed Light chop. Head-high waves. Medium waves 1.9 meters SSW/10.23 SSW/6.99 24°
Thu Moderate chop. Head-high waves. Medium waves 2.0 meters S/8.50 S/7.41 24°
Fri Smooth. Shoulder-high waves. Medium waves 1.6 meters S/11.23 SSE/7.33 24°
Sat Smooth. Chest-high waves. Medium waves 1.5 meters SSW/13.83 ESE/7.12 24°
Sun Rise Sun set.
Tue 06:08 AM 05:42 PM
Wed 06:07 AM 05:42 PM
Thu 06:05 AM 05:43 PM
day Wind Conditions Speed Direction
Tue Breezy conditions.  17.55 Km/ph  North East. 
Wed Breezy conditions.  23.94 Km/ph  South South West. 
Thu Windy conditions.  27.52 Km/ph  South South East. 
Fri Breezy conditions.  15.82 Km/ph  East South East. 
Sat Light winds.  12.65 Km/ph  East. 
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